Exclusive Private Fireworks Night - AUCTION LIVE NOW +
February 19, 2019

The Story So Far

It has been 3 years since I founded Greyhope Bay (a charitable company) with the ambition of highlighting our incredible coastal setting and visiting marine wildlife.  I wanted to create space for visitors and the people of Aberdeen to connect with and experience our natural heritage, to imagine more for the city and to be a part of unique project that seeks to put Aberdeen on the map in a way that is authentic to its story and place.

With the help of so many who have resonated with this ambition (namely our architect and unofficial co-founder Gokay Deveci, the Greyhope Bay board and project team, numerous volunteers, incredible sponsors and donors, supporting organisations and the Aberdeen community) we have achieved so much…

  • gala dinners on the beach (crazy that we actually pulled that off – shout out to Kelsey Gocke!)
  • over 3,000 people visiting our marquee by the sea (incredible when on that day the harr sullied the view…)
  • ambitious concept designs for a build with meaning, set in to the landscape and connecting to our coast
  • a pop-up shop and exhibition at the Bon Accord Shopping Centre (designed and delivered with the help and input of 15 students and another 20 volunteers)
  • business plans and planning surveys, stakeholder buy-in and support
  • community ownership

All of which has led and informed our strategy to open on site the first phase of the project in 2019 with a wildlife watching platform and cafe as a unique opportunity to provide immediate facility, engage communities, test ideas and build audience.

As we continue to push forward I will be writing a blog post every two weeks about my experience running the project and trying to get Greyhope Bay off the ground – highs and lows.

Tune in and buckle up friends!


Watching the dolphins from Torry Battery

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