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May 24, 2021

More green power to you

Fiona and Carole were welcomed by the JCE Energy team at the JCE Group workshop earlier this month to broadcast to 15 classrooms around the NE of Scotland as part TechFest’s Early Years and Primary Progamme. Together they showcased the solar panels, the batteries they will charge, and cutting edge tech that are getting ready to go to site at Torry Battery and provide green power to our off-grid café and community space


TechFest, whose focus is on bringing real-life STEM education to kids, has gone digital this year making it possible for over 400 kids to tune-in and learn about our green energy power system. That would have been a tight fit in-person!


A big thank you to everyone at JCE Group and TechFest for making it all possible and a huge thank you to the teachers and students for their brilliant questions! You can see some of them below.


Fiona with Marco and Jim from the JCE Energy, getting ready to go live and stream from the workshop

The students had many interesting questions for us. Here are a few taken from our Q&A !

If you shone a torch at a solar panel, would it create electricity? Yes, but not as much as natural light

How much do the solar panels weigh? Each individual solar panel weighs around 15 KG, like your average Cocker Spaniel

How powerful are the solar panels? Each panel produces 250W, enough power to use your x-box, or laptop for 8 hrs

Can you use the batteries more than once? How long do they last? Yes, they can be recharged over and over again for 9-10 years. They can provide power for up to 2 days depending how much power we use at the café

What happens if it's not sunny? The solar panels can still continue to charge on a cloudy day as long as there is light

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