Enter the Greyhope Bay 2024 Photography Competition
November 30, 2019

Make a Little Change with Greyhope Bay

Greyhope Bay’s second wave of fundraising is taking on the festive season. Off the back of the £90,000 + raised in the last 3 months we’re aiming to close our funding gap of £75,000 to open in summer next year. Our SKIPPERS are taking charge by mashing up ways to connect to our marine environment with:

DOT THE DOLPHIN DONATION JARS popping up in businesses around Aberdeen (read more below)

SANTA STAND UP PADDLE organised by one of our Skippers, Campbell of Scot Surf School, down the River Dee on November 30th from 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM (click here to be part of the first Santa SUP in Aberdeen)

SUSTAINABLE CHRISTMAS FAIR at the Aberdeen Boat Club to greet the Santas as they finish their float and host the public to enjoy warm drinks, festive treats, buy sustainable gift ideas made by our Skippers and get in on some raffle fun! More about the event on our Facebook page

- get ready for a Greyhope Christmas extravaganza!

Our generous SKIPPERS - the people hosting fundraisers, bringing creative ideas, enthusiasm and love - are leading on the theme of “Make a Change” spreading the message of how they are making little changes for the environment, sustainability and their community. We'll be sharing their stories of organising beach cleans, of how they are moving away from plastic use and of their journey sourcing sustainable products for fundraising and design competitions

Our Skippers are amazing people - and you are too! You can join and organise beach cleans, coffee gatherings, craft events, bike rides and health walks… There’s a lot going on.

Keep up with it all on our FACEBOOK PAGE

Feel inspired to join the fun?


Inspiring ‘Make a Little Change’ stories we designed Dot the Dolphin - our wooden dolphin decoration - and we're asking offices/shops/cafes across Aberdeen to place glass jars at their reception desks filled with these beautiful dolphin gifts.

Dot the Dolphin can be hung on Christmas trees, used as a keyring or tags for presents or even better Dot can be give to someone you know already making a change for environment/sustainability/community.

We want to follow Dot the Dolphin’s journey around Aberdeen, share your ‘make a change’ story on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with photos and video using the hashtags

#makeachange #greyhopebay #dotthedolphin

Follow us on Facebook


We will provide you with our dolphins, leaflets and email for staff.


Love our ‘Make a Change’ campaign?  We have still some CORPORATE SKIPPER places. Join our community for an investment of £500, and you can get involved in our calendar of events for 2019/2020 and make a change with us.

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