Enter the Greyhope Bay 2024 Photography Competition
June 19, 2021

Beach Clean Plastic Collection No.1 & 2

JUNE 19 & 26, 2021
Join us for the first Greyhope Bay beach clean of the summer season!

This time we will be cleaning up our coastline while on the hunt for high quality plastic to for use in our upcoming BEACH PLASTIC JEWELLERY MAKING EVENT in early July hosted by Look Again artist, Craig Barrowman. See more details below

We invite you to join in the fun - arrive any time between 1 PM and 3 PM on the day and our volunteers will be on site to help you. We will have all the materials you need on site to do your own beach clean and beach plastic collection for our jewellery workshop (gloves, bin bags, litter pickers*)

Our beach clean volunteers will be stationed at the BEACH CLEAN BOX in the lower parking lot at the Torry Battery to help you get started, then properly drop-ff your jewellery plastic and dispose of your litter when you've finished.


We're looking for high quality beach plastic for beach plastic jewellery making!

You can drop off your finds anytime before July 3rd in our BEACH CLEAN BOX at the lower parking lot at the Torry Battery.

NOT SUITABLE (ABOVE) thin, flimsy, rubbery, or fibre-glass type materials

SUITABLE (ABOVE) solid bits, nice colours, nothing too sharp or degraded

* While we are fortunate to have quite a lot of equipment on site it is limited depending on the number of people who turn up. You are more than welcome to bring your own.

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