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July 16, 2019

Coming Back Stronger

Coming Back Stronger

With funding not coming through as fast as hoped, I was grappling with fear of failure, weight of expectation, and a realisation that if Greyhope Bay needs to run on my energy alone it will not happen, I hit my wall and was ready to give up.

Preparing to quit gave me an opportunity to remove myself from the project (a project by which I had come to define myself by for good and bad) and to view it from the outside separate from me. I gave myself a freedom to reflect on what Greyhope Bay ‘the project’ needs to move forward and by turn, what I need that will allow me to continue.

I needed help by way of increased capacity and investment in staff and Greyhope Bay needed me to provide a means to open the project up and let more people hold its weight and opportunity. I needed to find the strength in our community of supporters waiting to come and do something for the project.

Realising this and acting on it, two things happened:

We got back to basics.
Getting to to the core of what Greyhope Bay is about and putting together a clear message and framework that allows individuals, organisations and communities to see themselves in the project, come to the table and be part of leading the change for Aberdeen.

We hired.
Carole Monnier joined the team and with her passion and leadership in supporting behavioural led change around plastic use and developing circular businesses we strengthened the Greyhope Bay message and potential impact - a showcase for a zero impact build project and a zero waste/plastic neutral operation and education.

These two actions have grounded the project, moving from messaging an aspiration to what is now a clear blueprint on how we are going to do it.

And it’s working, we know who we are, we have raised £42,000 in a matter of weeks and are launching our new website and jump on board blueprint next week (22nd July) where we will showcase how we are doing things differently and answer your burning questions on what is happening.

We are community led and coming back stronger.

The change: as well as hearing from me, you will be hearing stories from individuals, communities and organisations on how they are taking part and delivering Greyhope Bay.

The ask: jump on board with us - for a copy of our pdf memberships framework and how you can take part click the link below.

Our Greyhope Baywatchers are excited, we hope you are too.


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