Enter the Greyhope Bay 2024 Photography Competition
March 31, 2020

A New Beginning

We have started a new collaborative project that will include a new website and educational programme delivered online and on site at Torry Battery


Whilst the COVID-19 crisis has impacted our timescales and some of our ongoing fundraising plans we are still on track to build in 2020 and bring new life to Torry Battery. We were delighted with a wonderful article in the Press and Journal that captures our journey so far and hopes for the project.


The site of Torry Battery (its view, setting and history) has acted as a connection point for collaboration, bringing together organisations and community groups to identify and share stories. We recently harnessed that connection by setting up a series of collaborative workshops with over 15 organisations  to share stories and curate educational content that connects to site.

What emerged from our first workshop is a clear narrative that Greyhope Bay and our development of Torry Battery offers a new beginning, an opportunity to do things differently whilst honouring our history and our marine environment. This positive narrative has been amplified through this period of uncertainty – now more than ever we have the opportunity to be a beacon a hope for the city.

Online for our first collaborative storytelling workshop with local community groups and organisations including University of Aberdeen, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Aberdeen Harbour, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Marine Scotland, RSPB Dolphinwatch, Torry Heritage Group, Victoria Art, Circular North East, NESCOL, RGU, and East Grampian Coastal Partnership


An immediate outcome from this powerful collaboration will be the launch of a new website later this summer. The website will share educational content that cuts across the narrative of a ‘new beginning’ whilst also touching on themes of ‘movement’ (animals, people, transportation, tracking, seasons) and bringing the story you can’t see to the surface (stories from below our coastal waters, and our hidden history).


As a first stage our collaborative stories will be interpreted via online content hosted on a new website that will allow for a self-guided experience at Torry Battery and accessible educational content from home/school/abroad.

A planned second stage will include participatory and artistic interpretation across the site including event and school programming.

This is what we have been waiting for, to move on from fundraising for a building and to begin to fill our Greyhope vessel with stories, life, providing engagement and access for our community and visitors.

Today we invite you to take part, collaborate and invest in our storytelling and educational programme.

  • GET IN TOUCH if you have ideas for collaboration. We need people to help transform stories into both digital and physical experiences on site and online. If you have a passion for new ways of engaging audiences and making change for our environment we would love to hear from you
  • INVEST TODAY, JOIN AS A MEMBER  Become an Admiral, Corporate Skipper, Skipper, Crew member and support the development of our storytelling / educational programme and new online and onsite resource
  • MAKE A ONE-OFF CONTRIBUTION and donate to our new educational programme

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